Unica Clinic: Guide Complet des Services de Fertilité en République Techèque

Spécialisée dans les traitements de procréation médicalement assistée tels que la fécondation in vitro, la clinique Unica offre ses services depuis 2017. Située dans le cœur historique de Prague, en République Tchèque, elle répond aux normes de qualité rigoureuses, reconnue par la certification ISO 9001:2008.

Distinguée pour son approche centrée sur le patient, la clinique propose un accompagnement personnalisé. Les potentiels clients peuvent facilement accéder aux témoignages d’anciens patients, visualiser des photographies illustrant les résultats des procédures et obtenir des estimations tarifaires concernant les interventions réalisées hors de leurs pays d'origine. De plus, Unica Clinic facilite le processus décisionnel en fournissant un pré-diagnostic sans frais, assurant une communication réactive pour répondre aux diverses interrogations.

Clinique Unica, Prague, République Tchèque

Située au cœur de Prague, la Clinique Unica est une installation de pointe dédiée à la fertilité et à la médecine reproductive, avec un accent particulier sur l'accueil des patients internationaux. Ses services englobent aussi bien la fécondation in vitro (FIV) que l’insémination artificielle, sans parler des options de cryoconservation des gamètes masculins et féminins.

L'établissement de Prague opère en synergie avec sa clinique partenaire à Brno, offrant un cadre rassurant et des méthodes de traitement avancées dans les domaines de la fertilité, de l'obstétrique, de la gynécologie ainsi que de l'urologie.

  • Spécialistes de la clinique :
    • Trois experts en FIV
    • Un endocrinologue de la reproduction
    • Un urologue
    • Un spécialiste de la génétique

La clinique est reconnue pour son personnel compétent qui s'engage à fournir une assistance exhaustive, allant du soutien médical au confort émotionnel lors du parcours des patients. La qualité et la sécurité restent les pierres angulaires de leur pratique, ce qui se reflète dans les retours positifs fréquents de la part des patients concernant le professionnalisme et l'appui psychologique reçus.

Spécialité de la clinique :

  • Fécondation In Vitro (FIV) : Techniques avancées pour la procréation.
  • Conservation : Sperme et embryons préservés par congélation.
  • Innovations en laboratoire :
    • IMSI : Sélectionne les spermatozoïdes de haute qualité.
    • MACS : Triage des cellules grâce à l’immuno-magnétisme.
    • Embryoscope : Surveillance minutieuse du développement embryonnaire.
  • Transferts : Insertion précise d'embryons dans l'utérus.
  • Diagnostic : DPI pour une sélection embryonnaire avant implantation.

Prestations Supplémentaires

  • Transferts aéroportuaires et réservations de vols organisés pour faciliter l'arrivée.
  • Hébergement : Réservation d’hôtels et chambres adaptées aux personnes à mobilité réduite (PMR).
  • Connectivité : Wifi offert; TV dans toutes les chambres.
  • Information : Mise à disposition de journaux internationaux et consultation Internet.
  • Communication : Services d'interprétation et de traduction en plusieurs langues, dont le croate, tchèque, anglais, français, allemand, italien, polonais, russe, et serbe.
  • Guidage : Services d'un guide touristique et réservation de taxis.
  • Accessibilité : Transfert de dossiers médicaux simplifié.

Ville : Prague, République Tchèque, établi en 2017 avec l'accréditation ISO 9001:2008.

Bénéficiez d'un pré-diagnostic GRATUIT

  • Évaluation sans frais : Une analyse personnalisée de votre situation et des prévisions budgétaires pour : Voyage + Hébergement + Transfert + Intervention médicale.
  • Conservation du contrôle : Gestion en toute tranquillité de votre parcours de soins avec l'Alliance Internationale pour la Fertilité.
  • Clinique moderne accréditée : Équipements de pointe, haut niveau de professionnalisme, certification ISO 9001:2008 vers ISO 9001:2015, conformité avec la directive européenne sur les tissus et cellules, et accréditation SUKL.
  • Soutien aux patients internationaux : Centre destiné aux patients étrangers avec assistance en ligne via Skype, service de réservation de vols et offres inclusives.
  • Confort de séjour : WiFi gratuit, presse internationale, chambres privées et télévision, garantissant un environnement agréable.
  • Soins de reproduction assistée : Traitements conçus selon les normes de l'ESHRE et une approche éducative éprouvée affiliée à l'Université McGill en Amérique du Nord.

Avis sur Clinica Unica Turkey

Jana Jana p
Jana Jana p
11:43 19 Mar 24
I highly recommend this clinic, I am very satisfied with Miss Skálova and all the doctors. Thank you very much!
Angela Gridelli
Angela Gridelli
15:43 14 Mar 24
A wonderful good day to everyone who wants to go to the Uniqa Clinic if they want to have children, we can only recommend it 100%.After three failed and two failed ICSISs in Germany, we were guided by Ivana Klikova, the clinic's German-speaking correspondent. With just two visits to the clinic we did it and are 5 months pregnant😇🥳If only we had come across this clinic much earlier, we would have been saved a lot of suffering and money.Many thanks to the whole team and especially to you Aunt Ivana
Daniel Adam
Daniel Adam
13:25 08 Mar 24
I have been going to the clinic for a long time and I am always very satisfied. I work with the coordinator Tereza Skalová.
Laura Giacalone
Laura Giacalone
10:45 20 Feb 24
I started my journey at the Clinica Unica a year ago... right from the start I felt cared for and entrusted in good hands... the beautiful and very clean structure denotes attention to detail.I was lucky enough to be supported by Nicole Zaccaria, a super good coordinator, helpful and always with a smile.My first two attempts were unsuccessful but this was not due to their work…Nicole was supportive the whole time…now my third attempt went well and I hope everything goes well.I recommend Nicole and the clinic if you want to feel in the hands of competent and safe staff.Laura
7 %
7 %
18:35 15 Feb 24
You're reading this because you're searching for an IVF Clinic. I was in your shoes. Combing through reviews, stats, treatment options, etc. Let me tell you this: no matter the outcome here, from our very first video call with the doctor I knew we found the right clinic. This clinic is easy to work with and had a variety of treatment options. From the admins at the desk, my personal assistant, to the nurses, doctors ,the lab these people cared about our results. They were fighting for us, WITH us. I really felt special working with this team. They are very communicative and answered questions quickly  professional and it's evident, they know IVF.Again, no matter the outcome I will still recommend this clinic. Every woman, every story, every journey is so different...no one can guarantee this will work or your dreams will come true. Or that even this clinic is the best one for you. But we CAN tell you to keep fighting and trust the process.
araika zh.
araika zh.
07:24 16 Dec 23
The place is in a great location in a beautiful capital city Prague. The clinics have a very high standard with a great laboratory
Charlie Westenra
Charlie Westenra
11:09 07 Dec 23
We have A LOT to say about our experience at UNICA.We have been trying for a baby for a couple of years and were advised to go to a clinic that specialised in older women. We had such a terrible time there- the staff were rude, the doctors very brusque, the clinic shabby and the whole experience felt like a huge money making opportunity for them. We were not given clear information about our treatment or how much it would cost. There was no human touch. We wasted lots of money and time and felt very despondent.We eventually found our way to UNICA. The experience has been entirely the opposite.Our first meeting was eye opening. We had a very frank discussion with a doctor who told us what our tests results meant and how it was almost impossible to get pregnant naturally. We had had these results for years and no one had, up to this point, even told us this basic fact. She laid out our treatment options and we felt for the first time informed about our situation, our chances and our treatment. We were so grateful.The clinic is calm and clean. I have never seen it overcrowded. When you arrive you don't have to wait for hours and if things are delayed you are informed. The receptionists are so helpful and know who you are and seem to genuinely care about being there.The meetings with the doctors were always positive. We were lucky to be in their care. They all treated us as individuals and seemed genuinely to want to help.Above all it meant a huge amount to have a co-ordinator. Lucie is incredible. She kept our spirits up when we needed it and reminded us to stay realistic when we needed it to. She explained things patiently to us many many times and was there for us the whole way. She saw me when I woke up from the anesthesia. She said sometimes "there is magic" and we think that's what she is.I feel quite emotional writing this. It was the happiest experience for us. And whether or not we have a baby we will always be grateful to every one at UNICA who provided such brilliant care.
fatoumata diallo
fatoumata diallo
15:54 30 Aug 23
I Binta Diallo, had a baby boy in my 43 years old, pursued IVF with an egg donor, success on the first try. We are truly grateful for your help in getting pregnant, your have been amazing throughout the process and we cannot thank the staff enough your knowledge and expertise have been invaluable, and we feel lucky to have found ( Unica Praha 13 ) my thanks and appreciation to my coordinator Nevena for her care and support, she is an amazing person.A piece of advice: be positive and stress free.( everything is possible in Prague)Binta Diallo
Steven Pearce
Steven Pearce
20:01 16 Jan 23
Highly recommended clinic. All of the smallest details were attended to, making our experience top notch. A special thanks to Michaela Silhava who went over and above the call of duty. We were looking for a personalized "patient first" experience and we were completely satisfied at every point of interaction with the clinic staff and doctors.
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